For everyone who got their copy of Beat Crusher Thank you! It means alot to have people enjoy the tunes i make! Now for the Updates!
A new DnB Crusher album in the future? perhaps! Things are looking swell for right now i have all of my equipment working.. well almost all of it! A new DnB Album is on the horizon and who else is going to bring you the beauty behind the beast? I WILL! But i will be taking a new approach to the new album at first it will fell experimental to me, but in the end everything as usual will fall together perfectly when i start the tracking process!
What kinda styles are you pushing for? Well the usual hardcore dnb im thinking of mixing the old with the new for the new album! it will be a mix of beat crusher and digital chaos! HOPEFULLY if not all falls together it will be symphonic as hell would be my next approach with heavy distorted guitar samples in the mix!
Remember i have not started on it yet! as of now everythign is in the "storyboard"phase of the album. Once my ideas come together then i will unleash the power of the Psionic one onto the recordings and production. Expect some slight vocals in the mixes im going for more growling vocals then singing... make something new altogether!
Thank you and farewell for now! will be back when i have something going!
Psionic Decibels.
PS - as the years become shorter and i become older im not sure how much more i can do.. ive been doing this for 16 years and i honestly dont know how much i have left.. after over 20 releases and still going strong i might be able to do another 16 or just a few more. i will let you all know soon! Thanks for the support!!!