
Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 19th 2012 ***Studio Report***

The Album is coming together great! It is almost in the final stages just finalizing some things first! now of course the album name is "From D.U.S.T..." - E.P. .. Its only about 7 tracks long and runs a good 30 minutes or so.. Just something to release quick but the sound of this album is awesome as hell so far! To be honest i believe it is better then Digital Chaos in a couple of ways.. Digital Chaos was basically shooting for str8 Melodic DnB with Harsh overtones.. kinda like dark-step but not as soft as dark-step.. kinda like if a train hit your car lol.. anyways.. From D.U.S.T... Is going to be a great release for the DnB Community.. Give the Fan-base of the electronic world something different "instead of wobbles,1/3rd stepped 120bpm half stepped beats, and umph tsh umph tsh umph tsh umph tsh".. you get it.. turn on the radio! everyone loves the umph umph now.. fucking noobs.. anyways.. From D.u.s.t.. is the mainstream killer. its against anything with the same stuff over and over.. it is the only of it's kind.. 

These are the days when people don't think for themselves they let people do the thinking for them.. as of music choices if someone listens to something other then whats big at the moment they're friends don't think there as cool.. so we tend to stray away from those crowds and keep it real.. of course the album is not going to get a million hits cause of my dis-usage of wobbles and girly overtones.. this album is Completely fxcking Bananas.. there.. that simple..

So far we have got Orchestra Compositions, Alot of distorted BASS! kick ass drumming.. Quad timed Triplet and 1/2 cut hi hats.. Thats right i said QUAD TIMED! as in rocking at least 260.. thats right! 2 hundred and fucking 60 beats per minute hi hats killing the drums! Okok We have compositions drumming distorted BASS.. glitching.. half stepped glitchness.. Distorted BASS.. fast triple timed breaks.. guitars.. distorted BASS.. Yea we are killing it in the Beat Lab! So far we are using Izotope to our advantage with the mastered and shit.. so hopefully it all goes well..

As of now Im Finished and will report soon! 


 --  Psionic Decibels  --

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Album Details and Progress ****Studio Report****

Hello People!
So far i'm about 3 tracks into it and its sounding more melodic then anything. Still working out some noise issues i'm having right now with the distortion.. (it should be fixed soon) everything at this point is coming really smooth, a little to smooth if you ask me.. usually when things run this well something happens to ruin it all! but i have faith in this.. i gave a release date of 2 months from yesterday and so far it looks like it might be finished by the end of week 2 or 3.. so that's not even a month! album art finished! well the first one is i'm making about 5 different ones then choosing the best from the 5. This album has a very different feel from Digital Chaos due to me not using the whole experimental Cranked Distortion over slow drums to create something frightening.. this one is just flat out in your face song starts, song finishes, done. it does have a more orchestrated feel to it. I have been working more and more on the compositions to make everything sound Dramatic, Slightly Evil, and dark-ish. But with the craziness of hardcore DNB still there! Nothing drags anywhere on this album, so far its all high octane.. and Kick Ass!

More Album Details such as "Album Title, Running time, Track list" will be given to the world soon!

Psionic Decibels

Friday, August 10, 2012

Cranking out new stuff! ****Updates****

Yes you've read the title right, I'm getting ready to crank out some new stuff! I was just thinking to myself. Why stop here? Why stop after the release's of Chaos Virus and Digital Chaos? Why do i stop?? Just cause a person releases an album doesn't mean they need to take a 2 year break! Every artist on earth takes a break after a release.. To regain there juices to get them flowing again and so the fans get tired of there crap after 3 months.. but me?? umm....I've released 2 so far in 2012! And i'd be damned if i just stop now and be like "Oh i'll let the fans get tired of listening to this stuff" So yes you've heard it from the mouth of the man himself. Another release is being planned.. thought out.. which means new melodies new harshness and new styles! and i will try to finish it in.. 2 months. Can i do it? Maybe.. Maybe not? But there is the time line.. 2 months.  Details about the new album will be coming shortly! So far it is about 5% complete!

Thanks! - Psionic Decibels