
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Psionic Decibels - Digital Chaos - Mp3 VBR - 2012

New release from Psionic Decibels

Year: 2012
Genre: Symphonic/Dnb/Jungle Breaks/Glitch
Quality: Mp3 VBR (Dirty Mastering For oldschool Feel)
Country: U.S.A.

This album is .. how can i say it?? Bonkers! High Octane Aggressive DnB it never falls below the BPM (Tempo) of 180.. From Beautiful orchestra compositions to Blazing metal guitars to glitching beat smashing beat juggling beat CRUSHING! The jungle breaks are perfect and blend well with the Drum n Bass Style beats.. This music can only be labeled as "The New Digital (old School) Punk" As it is the black sheep of the NEW DnB Genre of music.. you know your (Electro house Blended in with the mainstream overtones of false dubstep) The sound and style of this album strays itself from the eyes of trendys as a real attempt to keep dnb listeners intrigued by dnb and not fall into the spectrum of sheep and scene kids. - Infektid Logik

"The New Digital Punk" - I.L.



File Factory

Friday, July 20, 2012

Psionic Decibels - ***STUDIO REPORT*** 7/20/12

Ahoy Mateys!
Just to say this first.. The Album IS NEAR completion! Right now i'm working on compressing and mastering alot of the tracks myself "cause i know the sound i want" and so far everything is running great.. tracks are being completed and this album is being stapled together piece by piece.. Did some vocal sessions on some of the tracks Nothing too fancy just a word here and there and a scream here and there nothing fancy at all.. But the flavor is definitely dark and dirty as hell! I hope you all enjoy this release as things are turning out in my favor for the moment! After im finished with the mastering process which should be with in the next day or so im sending the album off to the Head honcho @ Ripshop to let him give it a listen and then we can start the release process from there!  Thanks for the Support! - Psionic Decibels aka Infektid Logik

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Psionic Decibels - **Studio Report** 7-19-12

Did a long session Last night on the album art and its coming together very nice! Can't wait to show you all! And today finished track #5 After spending along time composing melodies and making things sound like something different and twisted.. broken.. yet hype as hell! I can not wait to release this.. so far its been a HELL OF EXPERIENCE! and i am alittle past the halfway point for the release! It might be coming earlier then expected! I was hoping to shoot for a halloween special Release! But i've been working very swiftly trying to get it finished! and this swiftness is paying off because these sounds are soooo incredible! Next week i'm starting vocal sessions (nothing too big just some words here and there and feint chorus stuff) then after that i finish polishing the tracks then Booom!!!! Released! I will Definitely Keep you posted! Right now we are sitting at around 38 Minutes of music so far! i am happy to release this album under Ripshop Records! This is the most brutal dnb album to be ever released.. thats not just ass kissing brown nosing or sucking up to dnb fans.. this is truth! - Happy Glitching!

Psionic Decibels aka infektid logik

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Psionic Decibels - (Project Black) *Studio Report*

Okay the album is coming very very nice and running smooth as of now.. did a little premastering to find the right sound and so far so good.. and i hope everyone will enjoy this release shooting for late august/september. The effects are coming together as well to fit into the darkest tones possible. Mixing wise its coming great also im trying to make it sound OLD.. Not old as in from the 80's or 90's but i want a  Dark Grim, Dirty Feel to the audio.. I dont want crisp perfection. Not nasty and dirty as in gay dubstep.. But nasty and dirty as Old as shit Found in a hobos shopping cart or antique store. dusty off the shelf.. i want the sound to be perfectly scratchy basically and very dark.. its coming so well! Until tomorrow - Thanks! *Giving you nightmares to remember* -- Psionic Decibels

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Psionic Decibels

Psionic Decibels

"I don't know if we all should be excited or more frightened of the new release.. hell even the demo track sessions chill my spine when im in the dark..." - Psionic

Psionic Decibels

"This new Release is if Diesel Boy Made the music then the Creature From the "Come to Daddy" Aphex Twin Video had sex with it then Trent Reznor delivered its baby." - Terror-fye

The Pre Listens went great! Hope to release this album soon! Im only 3 tracks deep and its already brutal! - Psionic Decibels aka I-Logik